Tuesday, March 23, 2010


How we look at things in life depends on what spectacles we may be wearing. For instance, did you ever notice how blind people seem able to see more than the sighted person? They use all of their senses. It used to be said that when you lose one of your senses the others increase...I'm not so sure about that. Rather, I believe they just utilize all of their sensory abilities, while most of us do not.

There are several reasons we cannot see as well as we should. If we are wearing glasses clouded with judgment, what we see is limited. Perhaps, our glasses are scratched in a mishap causing a distorted picture. I know that the smudges of pride can blur my vision. Ever have the lens pop out in total surprise; if something is missing there's a lopsided view! There are glasses that transition according to light and darkness...sometimes that wandering in the Light and back out again takes awhile to adjust. Why don't we just put on our Songlasses and see what is true, clear and obvious in all situations? We need to see with the eyes of God. He must be in us to do that.

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