Thursday, April 30, 2015


   Sometimes the deepest wounds do not bleed.  Oftentimes they are invisible, known only to the bearer.  The All-Knowing One, He sees...He feels...and bears it in tandem with thee.

   He, Who knows all thoughts, motives,and actions--is aware.  Nothing escapes His Gaze or...His Heart.  Though, He is Spirit--He is more tangible, complete and reality than any flesh!

   His Mysteries barely revealed, His Mercies and Grace are limitless to those He calls His Own.  Who does He call His Own?  Those...whom He foreknew would seek Him; that would carry within them a soul of goodness, love and sensitivity to His Whispers.

   Trapped with a limited fallen nature in a flesh body--He planned a deliverance and restoration to them who yearn for Him and His Vision.

   He is near to them who cry, His tears flow also.  When their hearts ache, the Creator experiences that same aching pain emanating from His Creature; the pangs of hungering, desiring, and wounds wretch His Core.

  In the midst of thunder, wind and lightning; behind the threshold of immense power, there is a well of tears--borne out of pure love for those stricken by the darkness.  Beyond the light, sits a Throne of Peace--outside of time and space.  Many are welcomed there and still more will never make it there.  His Promises fall on deaf ears.  To those who lay claim to them--the journey seems almost impossible with the chaos and confusion and wounds.  They struggle, stand, fall, crawl--but when their heart is worn and their spirit overwrought--a Sword  of Light appears; because He knows who will reach up to take hold. Some call them Angels. Some call them just good people. Some never recognize them at all.  They touch us in a way that none others can, as if they knew what was needed, to remind us...Goodness remains.

   Evil may triumph on any given day in appearance--but unseen to the naked eye--is the Spirit of God buried in the rubble--still beating and pulsating in the heart of a man, a woman, and a child.
Nothing can kill God, and if God be in you, then you are complete.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


     Taking my dog out in the fresh  morning air...breathing in a glorious Spring morning; and listening to the birds chatter in the trees--nature always makes more sense to me than anything else!  Looking up at the wondrous blue sky and thinking about our world...I am astonished at how "lost" our world is!  Even the Native Americans who were here before the white man came across the ocean, seemed to know instinctively how things worked and that there was a Greater Being that created and moved upon the events on earth.  They can be discarded as antiquated and ignorant by the scholars of today--but truly examining their basic form of daily lives--they already knew BEFORE white man came with their "knowledge and power"! How did they know?  So white man taught them their version of God and the Good News.  Now neither culture is thriving and both are lost in chaos.

     How did humans lose the awe and wonder of the world? Was it Science? Was it simply wanting one's own way? Was it the hardships of wars and poverty? Was it the horrifying corruption of the Church and of politicians/ leaders and those whom were our role models such as...judges, police, teachers, sports athletes and others we esteemed?  Did we just give up because we had no one to look to and decided to follow whatever whim our flesh could think up or could agree with?  

     While those "savages" lived without the finesse of the white man's civilization, they ALWAYS acknowledged the Great Spirit, a Supreme Being!  They respected the earth and called her Mother.  Eve was the mother of all living...she was cursed.  Catholics believe the Blessed Virgin Mary became a new type of Eve in conjunction with the Bible Scriptures that say Jesus is the New Adam; together they redeemed humanity from the Curse!  She was of the earth, a human and He was from God; united in her womb...Christ Jesus came to break down the wall that separated us from the One Great Spirit....Our Father in Heaven!  The Native Americans understood how nature worked and that a man and woman were needed to procreate.  That was basic.  They believed in destiny and values to one's life and that all life was connected.  Simple enough.  How did we become so ignorant in all our knowledge?  How did we get to the point that God is not needed, or doesn't exist, or is to each person what they want Him to be?  How did we evolve to the point that we no longer recognize genders and their roles?  Don't like them...we just change them and the rules!  God hasn't struck us down yet, so He must approve, if He exists at all?

     That kind of undercurrent thinking is similar to those who told Christ to come down off the Cross if He were truly God.  He didn't come down because they did not understand why He allowed it in the first place!  They still don't understand today!  They are allowed their choices and their whims, but that does not mean He accepts it and wishes them well in their just means He loved them enough to die for them--and to let them choose to accept His Offering or not.  Well they say, "that's fine for you to believe, but who are you to tell me what to believe?"  If ignorant natives, having heard no religion, knew instinctively...without being come you don't have that instinct? Is it because you are "lost" and turned away from the Light and walk in great darkness and God doesn't see you? He won't make you believe, but He gives ample opportunity.  For all our technology, scholars, and sciences...this generation is probably the most ludicrous and totally ignorant of all centuries!