The storms keep coming, one earthquake after another, volcanoes erupting in Iceland, tragedies abound--spring is coming! All these things are of the natural world, and are fearful! Economic woes, church woes, government woes, and each day brings a new set of worries. Now is the time for Christians to live out their faith! Do we believe or not? Do we accept whatever happens, God has not abandoned us, but may be working out a greater purpose (when it seems a position of no hope--remember what the Cross looked like.)
We don't always understand why terrible things happen, where God is when tragedies strike, or there seems to be more desire to join evil because our side is losing...HOLD ONTO THE ANCHOR OF YOUR SOUL! When the waves ride high, and the skies are dark and ominous, and you feel like you are drowning...cry out to Jesus and then get out of the boat of fear and walk in faith! Trust in the supernatural God who made that water, that storm, and you! Did you catch that? HE made that storm...for a reason. God is ever-present and is working something out...for HIS GLORY!
It dawned on me this week that we pray so hard for God to work in our lives and others--but we forget that others work just as hard resisting Him and the Holy Spirit. Storms and trials are allowed for a reason, It is just that innocent people get caught up in them too. If the tares and the wheat grow together till the harvest, it stands to reason that we shall endure these kinds of things with "the world" until the harvest!
Hold onto the anchor of your soul. Be not afraid. Only believe. Know you are not alone. No matter how dark, bleak or alone you may feel...He is there! He who endures to the end shall be saved.
The storms keep coming, one earthquake after another, volcanoes erupting in Iceland, tragedies abound--spring is coming! All these things are of the natural world, and are fearful! Economic woes, church woes, government woes, and each day brings a new set of worries. Now is the time for Christians to live out their faith! Do we believe or not? Do we accept whatever happens, God has not abandoned us, but may be working out a greater purpose (when it seems a position of no hope--remember what the Cross looked like.)
We don't always understand why terrible things happen, where God is when tragedies strike, or there seems to be more desire to join evil because our side is losing...HOLD ONTO THE ANCHOR OF YOUR SOUL! When the waves ride high, and the skies are dark and ominous, and you feel like you are drowning...cry out to Jesus and then get out of the boat of fear and walk in faith! Trust in the supernatural God who made that water, that storm, and you! Did you catch that? HE made that storm...for a reason. God is ever-present and is working something out...for HIS GLORY!
It dawned on me this week that we pray so hard for God to work in our lives and others--but we forget that others work just as hard resisting Him and the Holy Spirit. Storms and trials are allowed for a reason, It is just that innocent people get caught up in them too. If the tares and the wheat grow together till the harvest, it stands to reason that we shall endure these kinds of things with "the world" until the harvest!
Hold onto the anchor of your soul. Be not afraid. Only believe. Know you are not alone. No matter how dark, bleak or alone you may feel...He is there! He who endures to the end shall be saved.