We know that in Heaven all things are made new, and that there is no more sorrow, death, sickness...and every tear is wiped away. Does that mean that all our negative emotions cease? In this society today, where God is pushed aside as an antiquated idea, an afterthought, a moral code, or a lifeline only when troubles come--we wonder if God cares how WE feel. It's always about US! Do we ever consider how HE feels?
Is His hurt as deep as His Love? Is His longing for us frustrating, painful to watch, and depressing as we live out our self-centered lives? While the Presence of God in Heaven expresses a Perfect Paradise, a Utopia where no evil or contrary things exist--is it true to assume that God has no sorrow, no anger, or jealousy? God has been of all time and does not change. If He was a jealous God, an angry One, and a weary One in the Old Testament--why would He not be after the Cross? If we shall be in Him and like Him as it says in Scriptures, wouldn't those emotions still remain?
I wonder if the verse referring to every tear wiped away and no more sorrow is speaking of our own misery, but not that we cannot know and care about what others on earth are going thru. Some believe that people in Heaven cannot see earth or hell...if we are to become like angels and are higher than angels, than why not? Are there not Scriptures to say angels impact upon earth? Hebrews 12 speaks of a "cloud of witnesses"...where are clouds? Who are the witnesses?
I believe we are in God's Peace(which is not like the world), full of God's Love and Total Trust, and are given to know everything and all the outcomes and purposes of His Will. That is what fills us with incredible joy and awe...because we do get to see the magnitude of Jesus' victory over satan and the curse of sin and death! We do experience the incredible, the indescribable outcome of all of God's Creation...all the good and justice! Yet, while waiting for the total deliverance of all creation...what do they feel while they pray for us? Do they shake their heads aghast at humanity? How could they not cry at the evils, the atheism and rejection of God, and the unbelievable arrogance and audacity of mankind? How could they not be sad for the emptiness of souls?
I believe we can see into hell as well...not that its before our vision of every moment; but that we can know what "not having God" is like and appreciate His Mercy! Surely it causes us to swell in adoration, appreciation and praise? I think we see His Justice, because when Jesus returns with all the angels and saints....it won't be pretty. So we will be shocked by what happens before us on earth as we arrive with Jesus? I don't think so, but I think we will be ready for evil to be vanquished and accept the Justice...
Why would we hide behind the clouds and forget all those who have impacted our journey towards Heaven? Why would we want to if we have the Heart of God? So there has to be emotions in Heaven, and not just the good ones. We won't be suffering--but if God ached for us--wont we ache for our loved ones?