Monday, November 28, 2011

The Kingdom of God is Within You!

The Kingdom of God is within you! What does that mean? The season is Advent, time of reflecting on our sins and unworthiness as we wait for Him that is Perfect to come for us...a second and final time! We consider how holy and majestic He is...and thoughts of His Mercy and His Love for us! He became one of us to deliver us, to save us, to transform us, and to restore all that has been lost! But my Croatian friend kept telling me in every salutation..."God is with you". It became his signature. One day it dawned on me...duh--while I am waiting to see the visible manifestation of the fullness of times...He IS already here! He is in me, and you, and the Church, and ever-present, everywhere, all the time!!! We just tend not to keep that in a present-tense existence in our minds. Why? Mainly because we cannot see Him as we see our spouses, kids, friends, and family. We believe by faith--- but we can see, touch, laugh, cry and hold our loved ones. They are real to us!

Luke 17:21 says "the Kingdom of God is within you". He is Light, and we are sealed with that Light. The Word refers to the natural world as being "in darkness"...they cannot know Him; because they don't have Him inside of them. That verse alone is what has kept me persevering for souls I would just as soon give up on a long time ago! I was chosen to carry His Light in the Darkness. I was chosen. You were the King, the Creator, the Invisible holy and mighty and immortal God...The Ancient of Days looked down from Heaven and chose us! That Spirit of Truth, the Light of the World, the Righteous One...has taken up residence in our souls!

So when the world is fighting about whether its Christmas or Holiday Season--it doesn't matter. If they take Christ out of everything...they cannot stop Him. If none of them believe it...doesn't change the Truth. When a baby is baptized, I have joy...welcoming my new sibling. When new people come into the Church at the Easter Vigil, I know these are new soldiers in His Army and more lights! When someone passes in death to this life--I know they are experiencing indescribable awesomeness! They are free from the devil and demonic harrassment, pain, anger, confusion, depression, fear and worry...nothing can harm them now! Nothing can hurt them from here in this present darkness! I have two friends I love so much fighting bone cancer from an earlier breast cancer...and I admire their faith...and I cry alot for their suffering and impending death..but I am also happy for their salvation is about to become absolute beauty and power!

So this Christmas Season, when I look at all the Christmas lights...all different colors and sizes...I will think of all the different types of people God has come to inhabit! When I see candles...I will think of the Light of the World is in me and you. The Christmas tree and wreaths and pine cones....oh the brilliance of nature in His Creation! The bold red and white blooming in the dead of winter...remind me that the Rose of Sharon has bloomed in desertland of souls on earth! The presents under the trees...the Magi bringing gifts to baby Jesus! Worldly kings...paying homage to the real King of Kings whose mighty kingdom remains behind a veil...for now. No matter how much the world tries to make Christmas a retail holiday, a time of argument over beliefs, where daily woes tries to squeeze out every bit of joy, where sorrow hits in ways unjust and unfair...nothing can change the ultimate reality! The Truth of God's Mercy in Christmas and Easter...for those who love Him! They cannot take Christ out of Christmas because they cannot take Christ out of me!

I will watch movies that keep me focused on that. The Nativity, Mary, Its A Wonderful Life (how much we impact others) Rudolph (being different in the world) Frosty the Snowman (the childlike faith) and all the songs of praise and worship in the Christmas Carols! The Kingdom of God is here. God is with us. Emmanuel. The Wedding Day approaches...and what a celebration that will be!!! Keep your joy!

1 comment:

  1. Just because we choose or are limited to seeing, knowing that He is with us always, does not mean He is not there!
    We are chosen to spread His word. The Good News. And to let Christ bring unsaved souls to Salvation through us.
    I pray that everyone I meet sees the Light of Jesus the Christ shining in me. I pray that if they don't already know and accept Jesus as their Savior, they want what He has freely given me.
    May your Christmas be Wonder-FULL and abundantly blessed by God.
