Thursday, September 24, 2015


Pope Francis is in the U.S.!! He is upsetting the "apple cart" by his non-traditional ways!  His protocol isn't of a statesman--he is a disturbance to "Rome" and the "Sanhedrin" alike!  Who is this man?  He doesn't follow the rules, he wants to help the poor and sick and sinners!  How dare he speak of "climate change" and being stewards of God's Creation! How dare he tell them not to 'fight' for Christian values!  What does he mean by being inclusive---letting the 'enemy' into our midst? Who is this Teacher?  Does he heal on the Sabbath too? OMG!

Jesus didn't come to upset Rome, He came to save the lost and reach out to humanity and break new ground within God's Kingdom. So the Pope says to "avoid harsh and divisive language" and create a church "with the warmth of a family fire"?  The U.S. has been set afire by flames of the enemies of God for some time now...the arsonist is satan.  He is watching more than California burn.  He has infiltrated the souls of worn men and women who have been pushed into a corner and made to come out fighting for what they believe is right and is the mission to "save the church and thereby save the country".  Satan altered our minds and our missions and we bought right into it!! Francis knows what we have forgotten..."you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". He knows we are in the throes of tremendous change in society.  He is neither blind or ignorant.  People know what they are doing is wrong; and they won't change by our harsh words.  The fight to retain Christianity is not our mission in America...if it were...we would be working harder at being the Light and beating the world up with our flashlights!  Francis said, "the field in which you sow is unyielding".  Everyone knows you cannot plant seeds on dry hard ground.  He also said, "there's a temptation to think back on bygone times"...bygone times....yes the Christian country we used to be doesn't exist.  We are trying to fight to hang onto what used to be and it is gone.  We need to come "out of the world" and fight "with spiritual weapons"....not political and facebook weapons.  We must exercise our rights to vote and stand up against immoral laws and behaviors of course, but that is not our purpose here on earth.  Jesus did not come to take down Rome and the Caesars...though it did happen when the Church became His Body and was doing what He taught.

Somehow the Church has been repackaged like a corporation and marketed the Gospel like a commodity.  It is worldly.  The missions to educate, nurture and heal in hospitals and schools have become "exclusive" or Catholic in name only.  The parishes in our communities were supposed to stand out as we were to live our lives according to the Apostolic teachings  and administrations among our neighbors; but they are not inclusive and are elevated to a "Catholic identity" or a "networking brothers in business" kind of entity or were they supposed to about all the sports! Christians have forgotten the humble non-traditional Teacher from Galilee.

Pope Francis isn't changing the Church to ordain women or accept same-sex marriage.  He is asking us to change our behavior.  Watching him eat with the homeless, stop and bless the handicapped, and drive a Fiat--how dare he!!!!  That is EXACTLY what the Pharisees said! We are the Church in the world...instead of being Christ to the world.  The Holy Spirit moves like the wind--don't know where it comes from or where it's going...perhaps the Church needs to stop trying to control all movement of God--not letting God be God.  Back in the day, divorce and abortions weren't as prevalent.  The rules that a bishop can only absolve  one of such sins...may need to change.  Bishops and the Holy See are so distant and the "processing" of such....has its own hindrances to mercy.  Why not let the priests (who are supposed to be 'in persona of Christ') discern in Confession the repentant soul of abortion and grant absolution?  Those prodigals fell into horrible sin. We don't change the doctrine of sin. Abortion is murder and always will be so... the Scriptures do say "whatever sins are forgiven are forgiven and those that are retained are retained".  Yet, mercy must be present to the remorseful and careful admonition to not repeat the same sins.  The year of mercy...forgiving and healing and returning to the true mission.

I say it's time to take the "worldly" spirit out of the Church; because one cannot serve "two masters".  We can change ourselves but we cannot change others...however being around good people often brings out good in others??