The United States Supreme Court did the "unthinkable prediction" of what most of us it has been with every single thing since this President took office the first term...incredibly insane! They voted for same-sex marriage! We all knew it was coming sooner or later and would have rather it been later. Now their supporters are all over the internet with their GAY PRIDE FLAG! Now the Catholics want to do the same with the VATICAN FLAG? It's tit for tat...insults, outbursts, explanations, pleading, vulgar memes from both sides...accusing and harassing!
The Christian Church is still under God's Authority. He has the last say on anything! Now, that being said...why would God allow this to happen? Yes, He did allow it. We forget that there has to come a time where the demonic seems to have more power on earth...where a man is set up as antichrist...where the whole world is affected and dominated by him in some form. There has to be increasing evil and depravity and a great apostasy of the Church. Brothers and sisters, whether you are Protestant believing in the Rapture or Catholic believing that the Body of Christ will suffer here on earth for a time--antichrist and demons can do nothing without God's allowing it. So looking at the evidence thus far--it would seem the Father's Patience may be wearing thin. Jesus may be right around the corner or it may be awhile yet; either way bad storms are coming! That being said, will you stock up on everything for survival in fear? Will you begin praying in earnest for those who are lost, those who are deceived, those who have never "experienced" true conversion? Will you become bitter and hate the gays? Will you give up in defeat? Will you keep hoping the next election will change things?
Perhaps we need to start considering how addicted we are to convenience, to this digital age, to distraction and entertainment? The only way antichrist can dominate the whole world is through our digital world. Even our dvd players are tracking what we are recording on tv, who knows what else? Our phones have GPS to track us. Our home computers are traceable to every item we buy online, our banking, our posts of everything we like or hate, our photos of our loved ones, our political affiliations.....there is nothing not known and we have generously handed it all over to him....innocently enough to shoot ourselves in the foot!
The bible speaks of countries and empires taken down because God judged that nation. Believe it or not--good and decent folks were destroyed and suffered in those chastisements. We must not assume that God would never let ISIS overtake America because there are good "saved" Christians here who don't deserve to be beheaded and/ or raped. (Sorry to the Joel Osteen folks, but you can stop smiling now). Bad things are going to happen. Prophecy is given us to warn us, but it does have to come true at some point. There has to come a time when it's off the page and into our reality! Like the Iraqi Christians and the African Christians and the tortured Christians throughout the world...we may have to flee! We may have to go underground. No I am not talking basements...but those "meetings" may actually have to happen eventually. We may have to actually visit one another, talk to one another, write to one another and get off the digital grid so to speak. We have to pull back and retreat and build ourselves up in the faith. What does that mean? We need to detach from the daily snares of satan through inflammatory news reports, facebook posts, forums, and all forms of "sucking us in" so that we are upset and worn before we begin to do anything!
How many of us have been licking wounds and not doing spiritual battle for those folks who are decent people that just don't understand why we hate so much...think about it...they are not "getting it" because they have not been "converted" or they may have been-- but fear losing family and friends they truly love if they didn't accept them as gay. They have been watered down into thinking the Church needs to go with the times and learn to love more! We don't hate them, we fear for them, and that is what they do not understand! It is not going to do anyone good to continue talking to the deaf and trying to show the blind. We need to pray for them and those they love that are gay. So many have walked away from believing in God and they want to blame Christians for it. Bible thumping never worked on me, but patient love did. Do we have to do everything announcing it's for Jesus? Can't we just do and be kind knowing Jesus sees and hears it?
Exorcists know they have to be sure they have examined themselves completely before dealing with the devils. Do you know why? They are very aware how keen and subtle and accusing a demon can be! Are we doing the same to ourselves BEFORE we pray for others? Are we examining our faults, confessing them, and cleansing ourselves--then taking our petitions and sacrifices before the LORD? There is no time for facebook, iphones, ipads, tv, and all that if we are truly being warriors! It's time to stop being so loud and start being more humble and quiet and listening to God for our marching orders, not Fox News and CNN! It is so easy to get angry and tempted to lash out or to just quit. No, it is time to retreat and to prepare for the coming storms!
There will be more depravity in our future. There will be more "chastisements" than floods, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, sinkholes, economic failures, and terrorists. Life is going to become difficult for real Christians trying to "overcome" like the Book of Revelation keeps reminding the saints...let us pray. Let us read our bibles especially in the Old remind us of the severity and the mercy of God. Let us realize that our enemies may be of our own house, our coworkers, our bosses, our church women, our sports teams, and everyday folks you wouldn't suspect would turn on you...that storm is coming. Jesus said it would. Do you know who to trust and how to know? Listen. Learn. People reveal themselves by what they say and what they don't say. Pray for them and for each other. Let us be each other's "armor-bearer"! Let us be close like Jonathan and David or like Naomi and Ruth...your heavenly family comes before your earthly one. Jesus said that we must not love our mother, father, brother, sister or child before Him. Yet that is exactly how satan took over this country through the gay community! Parents chose their children. The next trend is already in motion via Bruce Jenner, and after him will come the NAMBLA. It begins with a subtle is his own god not made in the image of God---but his own image erected in the Holy Place of the Temple.