Thursday, September 24, 2015


Pope Francis is in the U.S.!! He is upsetting the "apple cart" by his non-traditional ways!  His protocol isn't of a statesman--he is a disturbance to "Rome" and the "Sanhedrin" alike!  Who is this man?  He doesn't follow the rules, he wants to help the poor and sick and sinners!  How dare he speak of "climate change" and being stewards of God's Creation! How dare he tell them not to 'fight' for Christian values!  What does he mean by being inclusive---letting the 'enemy' into our midst? Who is this Teacher?  Does he heal on the Sabbath too? OMG!

Jesus didn't come to upset Rome, He came to save the lost and reach out to humanity and break new ground within God's Kingdom. So the Pope says to "avoid harsh and divisive language" and create a church "with the warmth of a family fire"?  The U.S. has been set afire by flames of the enemies of God for some time now...the arsonist is satan.  He is watching more than California burn.  He has infiltrated the souls of worn men and women who have been pushed into a corner and made to come out fighting for what they believe is right and is the mission to "save the church and thereby save the country".  Satan altered our minds and our missions and we bought right into it!! Francis knows what we have forgotten..."you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar". He knows we are in the throes of tremendous change in society.  He is neither blind or ignorant.  People know what they are doing is wrong; and they won't change by our harsh words.  The fight to retain Christianity is not our mission in America...if it were...we would be working harder at being the Light and beating the world up with our flashlights!  Francis said, "the field in which you sow is unyielding".  Everyone knows you cannot plant seeds on dry hard ground.  He also said, "there's a temptation to think back on bygone times"...bygone times....yes the Christian country we used to be doesn't exist.  We are trying to fight to hang onto what used to be and it is gone.  We need to come "out of the world" and fight "with spiritual weapons"....not political and facebook weapons.  We must exercise our rights to vote and stand up against immoral laws and behaviors of course, but that is not our purpose here on earth.  Jesus did not come to take down Rome and the Caesars...though it did happen when the Church became His Body and was doing what He taught.

Somehow the Church has been repackaged like a corporation and marketed the Gospel like a commodity.  It is worldly.  The missions to educate, nurture and heal in hospitals and schools have become "exclusive" or Catholic in name only.  The parishes in our communities were supposed to stand out as we were to live our lives according to the Apostolic teachings  and administrations among our neighbors; but they are not inclusive and are elevated to a "Catholic identity" or a "networking brothers in business" kind of entity or were they supposed to about all the sports! Christians have forgotten the humble non-traditional Teacher from Galilee.

Pope Francis isn't changing the Church to ordain women or accept same-sex marriage.  He is asking us to change our behavior.  Watching him eat with the homeless, stop and bless the handicapped, and drive a Fiat--how dare he!!!!  That is EXACTLY what the Pharisees said! We are the Church in the world...instead of being Christ to the world.  The Holy Spirit moves like the wind--don't know where it comes from or where it's going...perhaps the Church needs to stop trying to control all movement of God--not letting God be God.  Back in the day, divorce and abortions weren't as prevalent.  The rules that a bishop can only absolve  one of such sins...may need to change.  Bishops and the Holy See are so distant and the "processing" of such....has its own hindrances to mercy.  Why not let the priests (who are supposed to be 'in persona of Christ') discern in Confession the repentant soul of abortion and grant absolution?  Those prodigals fell into horrible sin. We don't change the doctrine of sin. Abortion is murder and always will be so... the Scriptures do say "whatever sins are forgiven are forgiven and those that are retained are retained".  Yet, mercy must be present to the remorseful and careful admonition to not repeat the same sins.  The year of mercy...forgiving and healing and returning to the true mission.

I say it's time to take the "worldly" spirit out of the Church; because one cannot serve "two masters".  We can change ourselves but we cannot change others...however being around good people often brings out good in others??

Saturday, June 27, 2015


     The United States Supreme Court did the "unthinkable prediction" of what most of us it has been with every single thing since this President took office the first term...incredibly insane!  They voted for same-sex marriage!  We all knew it was coming sooner or later and would have rather it been later.  Now their supporters are all over the internet with their GAY PRIDE FLAG! Now the Catholics want to do the same with the VATICAN FLAG?  It's tit for tat...insults, outbursts, explanations, pleading, vulgar memes from both sides...accusing and harassing!

     The Christian Church is still under God's Authority.  He has the last say on anything!  Now, that being said...why would God allow this to happen? Yes, He did allow it.  We forget that there has to come a time where the demonic seems to have more power on earth...where a man is set up as antichrist...where the whole world is affected and dominated by him in some form.  There has to be increasing evil and depravity and a great apostasy of the Church.  Brothers and sisters, whether you are Protestant believing in the Rapture or Catholic believing that the Body of Christ will suffer here on earth for a time--antichrist and demons can do nothing without God's allowing it.  So looking at the evidence thus far--it would seem the Father's Patience may be wearing thin.  Jesus may be right around the corner or it may be awhile yet; either way bad storms are coming!  That being said, will you stock up on everything for survival in fear? Will you begin praying in earnest for those who are lost, those who are deceived, those who have never "experienced" true conversion? Will you become bitter and hate the gays? Will you give up in defeat? Will you keep hoping the next election will change things?

     Perhaps we need to start considering how addicted we are to convenience, to this digital age, to distraction and entertainment?  The only way antichrist can dominate the whole world is through our digital world.  Even our dvd players are tracking what we are recording on tv, who knows what else? Our phones have GPS to track us. Our home computers are traceable to every item we buy online, our banking, our posts of everything we like or hate, our photos of our loved ones, our political affiliations.....there is nothing not known and we have generously handed it all over to him....innocently enough to shoot ourselves in the foot!

    The bible speaks of countries and empires taken down because God judged that nation.  Believe it or not--good and decent folks were destroyed and suffered in those chastisements.  We must not assume that God would never let ISIS overtake America because there are good "saved" Christians here who don't deserve to be beheaded and/ or raped.  (Sorry to the Joel Osteen folks, but you can stop smiling now).  Bad things are going to happen. Prophecy is given us to warn us, but it does have to come true at some point.  There has to come a time when it's off the page and into our reality!  Like the Iraqi Christians and the African Christians and the tortured Christians throughout the world...we may have to flee!  We may have to go underground. No I am not talking basements...but those "meetings" may actually have to happen eventually.  We may have to actually visit one another, talk to one another, write to one another and get off the digital grid so to speak.  We have to pull back and retreat and build ourselves up in the faith.  What does that mean?  We need to detach from the daily snares of satan through inflammatory news reports, facebook posts, forums, and all forms of "sucking us in" so that we are upset and worn before we begin to do anything!  
   How many of us have been licking wounds and not doing spiritual battle for those folks who are decent people that just don't understand why we hate so much...think about it...they are not "getting it" because they have not been "converted" or they may have been-- but fear losing family and friends they truly love if they didn't accept them as gay.  They have been watered down into thinking the Church needs to go with the times and learn to love more!  We don't hate them, we fear for them, and that is what they do not understand!  It is not going to do anyone good to continue talking to the deaf and trying to show the blind.  We need to pray for them and those they love that are gay.  So many have walked away from believing in God and they want to blame Christians for it.  Bible thumping never worked on me, but patient love did.  Do we have to do everything announcing it's for Jesus?  Can't we just do and be kind knowing Jesus sees and hears it?  

     Exorcists know they have to be sure they have examined themselves completely before dealing with the devils.  Do you know why?  They are very aware how keen and subtle and accusing a demon can be!  Are we doing the same to ourselves BEFORE we pray for others?  Are we examining our faults, confessing them, and cleansing ourselves--then taking our petitions and sacrifices before the LORD?  There is no time for facebook, iphones, ipads, tv, and all that if we are truly being warriors!  It's time to stop being so loud and start being more humble and quiet and listening to God for our marching orders, not Fox News and CNN!  It is so easy to get angry and tempted to lash out or to just quit.  No, it is time to retreat and to prepare for the coming storms! 

      There will be more depravity in our future.  There will be more "chastisements" than floods, wildfires, tornadoes, hurricanes, sinkholes, economic failures, and terrorists.  Life is going to become difficult for real Christians trying to "overcome" like the Book of Revelation keeps reminding the saints...let us pray.  Let us read our bibles especially in the Old remind us of the severity and the mercy of God.  Let us realize that our enemies may be of our own house, our coworkers, our bosses, our church women, our sports teams, and everyday folks you wouldn't suspect would turn on you...that storm is coming.  Jesus said it would.   Do you know who to trust and how to know? Listen.  Learn.  People reveal themselves by what they say and what they don't say. Pray for them and for each other.  Let us be each other's "armor-bearer"!  Let us be close like Jonathan and David or like Naomi and Ruth...your heavenly family comes before your earthly one.  Jesus said that we must not love our mother, father, brother, sister or child before Him.  Yet that is exactly how satan took over this country through the gay community!  Parents chose their children.  The next trend is already in motion via Bruce Jenner, and after him will come the NAMBLA.  It begins with a subtle is his own god not made in the image of God---but his own image  erected in the Holy Place of the Temple.

Thursday, April 30, 2015


   Sometimes the deepest wounds do not bleed.  Oftentimes they are invisible, known only to the bearer.  The All-Knowing One, He sees...He feels...and bears it in tandem with thee.

   He, Who knows all thoughts, motives,and actions--is aware.  Nothing escapes His Gaze or...His Heart.  Though, He is Spirit--He is more tangible, complete and reality than any flesh!

   His Mysteries barely revealed, His Mercies and Grace are limitless to those He calls His Own.  Who does He call His Own?  Those...whom He foreknew would seek Him; that would carry within them a soul of goodness, love and sensitivity to His Whispers.

   Trapped with a limited fallen nature in a flesh body--He planned a deliverance and restoration to them who yearn for Him and His Vision.

   He is near to them who cry, His tears flow also.  When their hearts ache, the Creator experiences that same aching pain emanating from His Creature; the pangs of hungering, desiring, and wounds wretch His Core.

  In the midst of thunder, wind and lightning; behind the threshold of immense power, there is a well of tears--borne out of pure love for those stricken by the darkness.  Beyond the light, sits a Throne of Peace--outside of time and space.  Many are welcomed there and still more will never make it there.  His Promises fall on deaf ears.  To those who lay claim to them--the journey seems almost impossible with the chaos and confusion and wounds.  They struggle, stand, fall, crawl--but when their heart is worn and their spirit overwrought--a Sword  of Light appears; because He knows who will reach up to take hold. Some call them Angels. Some call them just good people. Some never recognize them at all.  They touch us in a way that none others can, as if they knew what was needed, to remind us...Goodness remains.

   Evil may triumph on any given day in appearance--but unseen to the naked eye--is the Spirit of God buried in the rubble--still beating and pulsating in the heart of a man, a woman, and a child.
Nothing can kill God, and if God be in you, then you are complete.

Saturday, April 4, 2015


     Taking my dog out in the fresh  morning air...breathing in a glorious Spring morning; and listening to the birds chatter in the trees--nature always makes more sense to me than anything else!  Looking up at the wondrous blue sky and thinking about our world...I am astonished at how "lost" our world is!  Even the Native Americans who were here before the white man came across the ocean, seemed to know instinctively how things worked and that there was a Greater Being that created and moved upon the events on earth.  They can be discarded as antiquated and ignorant by the scholars of today--but truly examining their basic form of daily lives--they already knew BEFORE white man came with their "knowledge and power"! How did they know?  So white man taught them their version of God and the Good News.  Now neither culture is thriving and both are lost in chaos.

     How did humans lose the awe and wonder of the world? Was it Science? Was it simply wanting one's own way? Was it the hardships of wars and poverty? Was it the horrifying corruption of the Church and of politicians/ leaders and those whom were our role models such as...judges, police, teachers, sports athletes and others we esteemed?  Did we just give up because we had no one to look to and decided to follow whatever whim our flesh could think up or could agree with?  

     While those "savages" lived without the finesse of the white man's civilization, they ALWAYS acknowledged the Great Spirit, a Supreme Being!  They respected the earth and called her Mother.  Eve was the mother of all living...she was cursed.  Catholics believe the Blessed Virgin Mary became a new type of Eve in conjunction with the Bible Scriptures that say Jesus is the New Adam; together they redeemed humanity from the Curse!  She was of the earth, a human and He was from God; united in her womb...Christ Jesus came to break down the wall that separated us from the One Great Spirit....Our Father in Heaven!  The Native Americans understood how nature worked and that a man and woman were needed to procreate.  That was basic.  They believed in destiny and values to one's life and that all life was connected.  Simple enough.  How did we become so ignorant in all our knowledge?  How did we get to the point that God is not needed, or doesn't exist, or is to each person what they want Him to be?  How did we evolve to the point that we no longer recognize genders and their roles?  Don't like them...we just change them and the rules!  God hasn't struck us down yet, so He must approve, if He exists at all?

     That kind of undercurrent thinking is similar to those who told Christ to come down off the Cross if He were truly God.  He didn't come down because they did not understand why He allowed it in the first place!  They still don't understand today!  They are allowed their choices and their whims, but that does not mean He accepts it and wishes them well in their just means He loved them enough to die for them--and to let them choose to accept His Offering or not.  Well they say, "that's fine for you to believe, but who are you to tell me what to believe?"  If ignorant natives, having heard no religion, knew instinctively...without being come you don't have that instinct? Is it because you are "lost" and turned away from the Light and walk in great darkness and God doesn't see you? He won't make you believe, but He gives ample opportunity.  For all our technology, scholars, and sciences...this generation is probably the most ludicrous and totally ignorant of all centuries!  

Wednesday, March 11, 2015


     In the book of Romans, St. Paul speaks of God being known by His Creation, and makes the distinction that God is the Creator and mankind are His creatures...we are created...though with all of our advances in human history...many like to believe...that WE are creators!  Today, as the weather is finally breaking into a normal Spring pattern, standing outside with the dog reflecting on God, creation, faith and the fate of humankind...

    Jesus said that the mustard seed is the smallest and grows huge with many branches where many birds can makes their home.  Human intelligence can take Scripture and twist them to fit any kind of desire they wish--so how do we know--what Truth really is?  How can we know who is "messing with our minds"?  The liberalism of society is becoming so incredibly ridiculous, and anger is fomenting on the side of those grasping to hold onto what they things have always been...all the while grieving at the losses stockpiling in memories past.  Both sides are furiously fighting for control and domination in our world...both sides are losing...what are they losing?  They are losing their own souls, whether they acknowledge this or not.

     The whole idea of faith, of a Savior, of any kind of religion or God has been continually eroded, attacked, deprived, and weathered and found cracking....leaving holes in the branches of the Tree of Life.  Limbs are now unsafe, doomed, and won't last very long....a good wind and down they will come!

     The branches lay on the ground.  They are good for nothing separated from the Tree.  They will be gathered and burned.  Jesus made this analogy in referencing those who do not belong to Him... tares gathered and burned...of no use.  

     Psalm 1 speaks of the righteous person as a tree planted by the water and being strong and vibrant, and also of the wicked as being dried up and destroyed.  Like this tree struck numerous times by lightning stripping its bark, sapping its strength, splitting its trunk, and finally the wind taking off huge hunks of branches...this is the person whose faith is constantly attacked by sins, evil, weakness, laziness, wickedness, neglect and just weathering the storms of life on their own.  So many people are not reading their bibles, others are reading what they want into it, others are brainwashed in education by the worldly entities that seek to do away with antiquated ideas of the Church and God, and still others who blame the Church and God for every evil that has plagued the planet.  We are a very mobile and exhausted society on overload in every aspect of our lives!  Interesting to note that the downfall of man began with the Tree of Knowledge...of knowing both good and evil!  How clever of satan to barrage us with "knowledge" through this digital age!!  Doesn't matter if it is all true or not....the internet has become a magnificent tool in attacking and wounding the Tree of Life!  Too busy to read, cannot remember what you read, too tired to pray, too many to pray for, too many versions of "truth" to discern who is real and who is not?  Our enemy is quite an adversary.

    St. Paul said that branches were broken off and others grafted in, but that God could restore those broken off--that is a huge truth!  Have you ever seen anyone be able to reattach a branch and make it grow?  Only a God could!  Have you ever seen medical science bring a human being back to life after being dead for 3 or 4 days?  Something greater than  ourselves has written in the Scriptures through "men of God" and through Himself in the form of Jesus Christ His Son...and His Story is real!  Sad to say, even God Himself has said..."when the Son of Man returns, (not if) will He find faith on the earth"?  This was prophecy for our times!  He was giving us a clue as to what the end times would appear as...nobody believing???  So why are we surprised to see our world in every facet of society is losing faith?  Perhaps the question we should be asking I losing faith?  Am I a tree planted drinking from the Living Waters?  Am I just weathering the storms, taking the blows as they come, and hoping for the best?

     We all go through "dry seasons", sometimes we go through incredibly blessed and prosperous periods, and other times we are in for the fight of our lives--the thing we must not lose sight of--is what we will give in exchange for our own souls!  Whether we live or we die, depends on this!  The hope of Christ and though the body dies, we will not; in fact one day the body and soul will be transformed and transfigured in the Glory of God...(which is why Peter, James and John were given a glimpse of that).  We don't understand how and when all that is going to happen...but keeping faith that it the whole reason for everything!  It does no one any good to fight about the Rapture, the Assumption, who goes or who stays...the point is to remember...whoever belongs to Christ will never die! If you belong to Christ--we don't break off His Branches or cut ourselves off either!  Start thinking of folks as "souls" intended for Heaven and the best Life ever;  or as those heading for a horrible nightmare that never ends...and worry about the destination of our own!  Read, pray, examine self, confess, encourage one another, worship Him and try to avoid as much "worldly" stuff that saps our energy, zaps our strength, traps our faith, and craps our soul!  Fox news and CNN are often unsuspectingly used by the powers of darkness, and Facebook and other social media as St. Paul alluded to..."all things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient, all things are lawful for me but I will not be brought under the power of any."  Who is the thief stealing our time? prayers? energy? faith?  Instead of getting angry at every post a liberal shares or every new report set to inflame our emotions...turn it off, click out of it, train and limit how much exposure we give in to, and return to the Spouse who is waiting in the still quiet moments!  Stll? Quiet? Who does that anymore? EXACTLY!!!