Friday, December 6, 2013


            God is always near us, and He is always speaking….so in your time with Him today, what did you hear?  You say He doesn’t talk to you? Oh but He does…we just don’t hear because of where our attention is addressed.  God speaks in His Word…but you can’t remember what you read or comprehend it….He doesn’t expect you to memorize it because the conversation is so long.  Who remembers every word we shared in conversing with people in our day? Aaah but we do remember “what” we talked about don’t we?

            One thing is for sure…He will never speak the opposite of his Word!  So if you know the 10 Commandments…basic right?  Which ones can’t we obey?  We know we are not supposed to commit adultery and looking at someone…lusting…is wrong if we are married…right?  We know we will give account for every word we speak---so gossip probably isn’t ok.  These are basic things….but God also speaks in His Creation.  Who doesn’t love the beauty of the world?  Romans tells us that He is revealed in His Creation, and understood by such---which is why Jesus used ordinary things to explain spiritual concepts in the Gospels.  The snowflakes are each unique….the Word says that “before you were in the womb, I knew you”….pretty unique huh…just like a snowflake. He also says….”the children of Abraham will be as innumerable as the stars”….winter skies are so fantabulous with the deep dark and glistening of stars….and we know space reveals soooo many…..yep…God’s People are many….generation after on after leaving this earthly realm!  Just as it takes light years for a star’s light to be seen by us….it’s taking that long for the City of God to be completed….within us…one soul at a time!  Squirrels bury nuts in the winter, bears hibernate, trees go dormant….so the Word tells us to “hide His Word in our hearts that we may not sin against Him”…says also…”to pray in your closet” or “go to a mountain alone to pray”….dormant….fasting….?  Well suppose you aren’t a nature lover? Then there’s the nice person who let you in front of them in the grocery line, the person who brought you a little gift, or maybe someone made you soup when you were sick….God works in people around us for “our good” and for His Glory.  Maybe you were just a praying person….what did you feel “impressed” upon your spirit?  Did you hear some music today? Did it bring back a memory?  Did it make you feel joyful or cheerful? All of these are God speaking….take time to listen.  You won’t be disappointed. 

            Oh yeah….the devil is the “prince of this world”….he is speaking too.  You do know how to distinguish his voice from His, right?  Never against The Word!!  Satan’s words will be about me, me, me…poor pitiful me…how unfair life is….depressing, discouraging, despairing, doubting, disrespecting, despiteful….notice all the “d”s? Dou’t go there.  God is not dark! He is Light!! Shine On!!!!